Emotional Overcontrol

Unlocking Tears and Healing: The Path Through Emotional Overcontrol

Tears hold a special place in the tapestry of human emotions—they are our silent language for expressing joy, pain, frustration, or relief. However, individuals grappling with emotional overcontrol often find themselves bereft of this natural expression, leaving them to wonder, “How can you cry?” Within this poignant question lies the heart of a struggle many face when their emotions are locked behind a self-imposed barrier. This article explores the intricate world of emotional overcontrol and how Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT) leads to emotional freedom.

The Stronghold of Emotional Overcontrol

The strict guard of emotional overcontrol stands between many individuals and their connection to the world around them. Like a valve too tightly closed, overcontrol restricts the natural flow of feelings, resulting in social isolation, loneliness, and a host of mental health challenges. Those who experience this level of control may excel professionally where structure and restraint are rewarded, yet stumble in the warmth of interpersonal relationships where emotional exchange is crucial.

The Call of Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy

RO-DBT emerges as a pioneering answer to the quiet distress of overcontrolled individuals. Through this therapy, we learn that the ability to cry, to express and experience our emotions fully, is not just a release but an invitation to connect—to be seen, heard, and understood. “How can you cry?” becomes more than a question; it transforms into a goal, a step toward healing one’s relationship with emotion and vulnerability.

RO-DBT addresses overcontrol by focusing on:

  • Self-inquiry: Identifying and understanding personal emotional barriers.
  • Social signaling: Learning to communicate emotions openly and genuinely.
  • Social connectedness: Building meaningful relationships through shared emotional experiences.

The Journey to Emotional Liberation

Surges of emotions often feel like unchartered waters for those accustomed to overcontrol. RO-DBT gently coaches individuals on how to dismantle their emotional dams. This entails shifting focus from the fear of what might occur if they lose control to the joys of what can happen when they allow themselves to be real, to be flawed, to be human. Therapists using RO-DBT offer strategies, support, and encouragement as they guide clients on this revelatory voyage.

Case studies, such as those by Gilbert et al. (2023) and Lynch et al. (2018, 2020), illustrate the lifeline that RO-DBT extends to those adrift in the sea of overcontrol—helping them not only to find ways to cry but also to revel in laughter, bask in human connections, and rediscover the forgotten language of their emotions.

Reaching for the Tissues: How Can You Cry?

For those wondering, “How can you cry?” The answer begins with permission—permission to feel, to be imperfect, and to share those emotions with others. It involves showcasing your true self, not just the polished, in-control facade that has been meticulously upheld. In the shedding of tears—be they from sorrow or joy—we signal our openness to being part of the human tribe and engaging in the shared experience of life.

In practical terms, tapping into this ability can start small:

  • Seek Safe Spaces: Cultivate environments where emotions are respected and honored.
  • Mindfulness: Be present with your emotions, recognizing them without judgment.
  • Expressive Exercises: Use art, writing, or movement to give form to what is felt within.


The path through emotional overcontrol leads to a broader horizon—one where tears can flow as freely as laughter, connections are formed through shared emotional realities, and questions like “How can you cry?” find their answers in the courageous act of opening up. Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy marks this path. It lights it, guiding those willing to traverse it toward a life rich with emotional expression and human connection.